We present our good wishes to you

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

We present our good wishes to you all on the great occasion of the celebration the feast of Nativity. For us this is great opportunity to thank you for your great support which you have provided to us in the year 2018. The Orthodox Mission in Pakistan is trying to enrich the people in Orthodox Faith. Through your great help we are trying to look after our infrastructure, the sick, widows, orphans, needy as well as the students. Firstly, we have made renovations to the church building and conference hall and covered the foundation of the building with mud and stone.

Dear brothers and sisters, we are really thankful to God and to you that Presbytra Rosy is recovering from her sickness. We pray that God may give her complete and good health that she may constantly support Orthodox Mission through her spiritual and social activities. Presbytra Rosy is very popular among the people not only Christians but in Muslim community also due to her counselling abilities.

Dear brothers and sisters, please be constant in supporting the Orthodox Mission in Pakistan, though we are facing many different problems, your encouragement is keeping us always active and loyal to God.

Please come forward and help us so that joy and happiness which we have received on this great feast may we be able to share it with others in different ways.

Your generosity is always appreciated by the Orthodox Faithful in Pakistan. We pray that our Lord Jesus may grant you blessings in abundance, give you health and long life so that His Holy Name may be spread in the whole world.

May the year 2019 keep us united forever!

The blessing of the Lord God is with you all,

Fr. John Tanveer
Orthodox Mission in Pakistan