Dear friend,
The uncertainty of current events, the coronavirus, and their affects have reached every corner of the world. These times are full of hatred, anger, fear, and doubt, and our brothers and sisters in Pakistan have not gone without these struggles. Fr John reported that all of Pakistan “is in a state of panic. Physical, mental, and financial suffering has reached us all, especially those on daily wages. Mosques and churches are closed, and people are locked in their homes. We are trying very hard to support our people, but this is not an easy task.” Much of Fr John and Pb Rosy’s time has lately been spent teaching proper sanitation practices, as well as providing hand sanitizer, masks, and gloves to those who cannot afford them. However, they can only do so much because to their limited financial resources, and decreased giving in the last few months. Fr John humbly asks that we “join Pb Rosy and I in our mission, and show your solidarity to your brothers and sisters in Pakistan.”
As we approach the dormition fast, would you consider giving to the Orthodox Mission in Pakistan to enable Fr John and Pb Rosy to serve others? You can also help the mission by joining our prayer team. Please reach out to us at for more details.