The Orthodox Mission in Pakistan (OMP) is pleased to announce we plan to open a new sewing center in Wazirabad, Pakistan!
New Sewing Center
Construction of the new sewing center is well under way. Fr. John has purchased five sewing machines and has hired an instructor. Many women from the Annunciation Orthodox Church in Wazirabad are interested in learning to sew, but also other women from the community have expressed interest. However, we have hit a small road bump. The mission needs $500 to install flooring for the new sewing center. The money previously designated for this had to be used to upgrade fencing around the sewing center’s property as required by the local government. A generous donor has already contributed $100 towards this goal. Can you help these women stay safe and learn a useful skill? To learn more about how to give, please visit our give page.
OMP Sewing Center History
Sexual violence, abduction, and forced marriages to muslim men are tremendous problems in Pakistan today, especially for Christian women. Women who stay home while their fathers and brothers go to work often fall victim to these heinous crimes. As a response, OMP opened its first sewing center in 2014 with the assistance of OCMC. Located in Hafizabad, the sewing center was initially formed to teach women to sew, and provide a safe place to stay during the day while the men in their family were away at work. This protects women of any religious background from sexual violence, as well as young Christian girls from being abducted and forced to marry Muslim men. The Sewing Center still functions in this capacity, but has also begun sheltering at risk women, and homeless children. Fr. John and Pb. Rosy Tanveer regularly go to court so they might help free young girls who have been abducted, and the courts trust their testimony. The Pakistani courts release the girls into the Tanveer family’s custody, and they must find the girls’ parents. These girls need a place to stay until their parents can be found, so they also take refuge in the Sewing Center. We are very excited to open a new sewing center, and with your support we can serve more at risk women.
Pb. Rosy’s Health
Pb. Rosy recently had a check up with the doctor. The doctor informed her that she has an excellent bill of health, and remains cancer free! This prognosis is two and a half years after she completed chemotherapy. Thanks be to God for this blessing for the mission!
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